The real life experiences of writer/director Luis Pimber no doubt explain the compelling storyline and realistic characters, but the film is much more than that. Generally short films have to make sacrifices, but this one has come up aces and with some slight changes would make a great feature. It is not surprising that it was the 2010 winner at the Best Of Festival at the Pheonix Filmstock Film Festival.
The film is based on a true story and follows a drug ring which has been infiltrated by the HIDTA Drug Task Team. You can’t help but like the characters and accept the story as believable – the conversation between two dads at the beginning easily inspires a smile and most women viewers will shake their heads knowingly when one of the characters is on the phone denying being married while the camera pans out a little to show his wedding ring! Just as you are holding your breath waiting to see if the ‘narcs’ get caught out and the whole thing goes bad, or if the bad guys get what they deserve .... up roll the credits! You’ve got to love an ending that does that! Some great acting, and a great sound track by Eduado Venegas, Antonio ‘Booda’ Guzman (also one of the cast) and Juan Massaqouai aka Rise 1.
There are a few up and coming actors I would love to have on film, and I think we will be seeing more of them in the near future. Duress Stars Elliot Ruiz, Luis Pimber (Lou Pimber), Andrew McLaren, special appearance by John Proudstar. Written and Directed by Luis Pimber and Bryant Scott, DOP Ben Bratten.
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